Sunday, December 22, 2019

creative log for a2coursework 1

I have had a vague idea of what to do for my short film but I am still early in planning the story and the technical aspects of the film. I am planning to attempt a stop motion film which would probably fit best into the horror genre.
although I know the very basics of stop motion animation this will be my first attempt at creating a short film using this technique and creating and designing clay models appropriate for animation by myself.
the plan I have for the story so far is very vague so far but the outline to the simple story is: a child is woken up by music and crawls under their bed to discover an alternate dimension containing a clown type entity which is of course actually a monster/demon.
I hope that if I make the story short and simple it will help me produce the film without running out of time and since I am inexperienced in animation it would be best to keep it uncomplicated.

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creative log for a2 courswork 2